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Prepping Your Beach Home for the Panama City Beach Real Estate Market


The first and most important step to putting your home on the market is to find and enlist a real estate agent to be your guide and resource throughout the process.

On average, real estate agents are able to get sales prices 15% higher than when a realtor is not involved.

Here at Life is a Beach, our familiarity and experience with the Panama City Beach real estate market can go a long way in helping you find the right buyer for the best price and as efficiently as possible.

However, there are a few things you can do to get started on prepping your home even before we get involved!

  • Clean out closets and get rid of clutter and then clean out more closets and get rid of more clutter! It is very difficult for buyers to imagine lazy days at the beach with your property as their home if their immediate vision is obstructed by too much of your stuff. We cannot stress the importance of this enough. Clear off all tabletops and counter tops and take down all photos of you and your family and friends. Again, it’s tricky for buyers to envision themselves in your home if they are constantly looking of pictures of you in your home!

Don’t get us wrong, your belongings and family photos are treasures in your life as they should be, but for the purposes of marketing your home, you should store them in a safe place until the process is over.

  • Keep an eye on other properties in your complex or neighborhood and see how they compare to yours. Make a list of what those properties have to offer that yours does not and vice versa and make note of how long those properties are on the market and what their final sales prices are (especially compared to their original asking prices). This is all information that your realtor will help compile for you as well, but it never hurts to start becoming aware of the market conditions that will be relevant to selling your home.
  • Sit down and think about what your own timeline and plan is for selling your home. Where do you plan on moving to next? Do you need to sell your home before you can buy your next home? Most people do and realizing this and planning accordingly ahead of time can save you a huge headache. Otherwise you may be faced with the choice of laying out a lot of money for an interim rental or watching a buyer fall through because your timing requirements were realized too late. There are various ways your realtor can accommodate your needs when made aware of them from the beginning.
  • Plan on making a few repairs to your property but hold off on making them until you sit down and discuss them with your real estate agent. Often times, certain repairs should be prioritized over others and getting advice from your agent before diving in can save you time and money. You may think that your bathroom needs to be re-tiled but your realtor may advise you on prioritizing a broken step at your back door instead. You just never know, so hold off and ask a professional!

Most importantly, get excited because the real estate agents at Life is a Beach are ready to work with you. The Panama City Beach real estate market is a great place for a seller and we are here to guide you towards the best results![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]